Tues:11am - 9pm

Thurs:11am - 9pm

Fri:11am - 9pm

Tell us about yourself?

I am a Registered Massage Therapist and a member of the college of Ontario (CMTO) with good standards. I hold a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Master in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy with more than 15 years of experience as a Registered Physiotherapist in my home country. I have finished my Diploma programme in Massage in Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy and I got certificate in Indian Head Massage as well.

Which cases do you enjoy treating? Why?

I Enjoy treating people with Acute, Chronic Pain related problems and stress related issues causing Tension and Migraine Headaches, educating them on their Work-space ergonomics. I also like to treat Sports related injuries Since I am having experienced Physiotherapy background, I have a more in-depth understanding in how much muscle responds to injuries.

What are the top 3 treatments that you specialize in?

I am specialized in Deep Tissue, Head, Neck and Scalp Massage and Sports Massage. I work on Reducing Pain, Correct Posture and Improve Flexibility.

What are you proud of in your practice?

I am most proud of the achievements attained by the patients to reach their goals and to be a part of the teamwork on their health journey.

Why should patients choose you as their provider instead of others in the area?

I have a strong Physiotherapy experience of more than 15 years that helps me to actually listen to what the clients body needs. It is important that client feels comfortable and have a sense of control over their treatment.