5 Best Exercises for Headache on Top of Head

There's work to finish but you've got a headache at the top of your head.  You know that you're working too much at your desk, but what can you do? The phone flashes and you look down.  Great. Neck pain again. You’re not alone. Many patients at Nexus Massage &...

5 Quick Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common health issues that we treat at Nexus Massage & Rehab. Due to COVID-19 and our work-from-home lifestyles, people spend over 9 hours a day sitting. Sitting too long with poor ergonomic posture can lead to weak muscles and result in lower back pain. Below are 5 quick and effective physiotherapy exercises you can do right now to relieve your lower back pain. 

What are the benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot Stone Massage benefits include relaxation, stress release, help with back pain, and improvements to depression and anxiety. The treatment includes heated natural Basalt stones that are very rich in iron, which makes them particularly great at retaining heat and are even believed to help improve the flow of energy in your body.

Top Five Tips To Boost Your Immune System

What a world we find ourselves in! While what’s happening world-wide is something everyone knows – but perhaps you didn’t know that there’s much more we can be doing about COVID from the comfort of your own (self-quarantined) home?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a millennia old system that has never missed a beat. In fact, it is currently being used in reportedly 90% of Covid cases in…

Lymphatic drainage massage benefits, what is it, is it for me?

Lymphatic Drainage is the body’s natural flushing system, removing toxins and excess fluids in one area of the body to the lymph nodes located around your body and creating an effective part of your immune system.

Headache on Top of Head

5 Best Exercises for Headache on Top of Head

There’s work to finish but you’ve got a headache at the top of your head.  You know that you’re working too much at your desk, but what can you do? The phone flashes and you look down.  Great. Neck pain again. You’re not alone. Many patients at Nexus Massage & Rehab suffer from headaches on […]
Lower Back Pain

5 Quick Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common health issues that we treat at Nexus Massage & Rehab. Due to COVID-19 and our work-from-home lifestyles, people spend over 9 hours a day sitting. Sitting too long with poor ergonomic posture can lead to weak muscles and result in lower back pain. Below are 5 quick and effective physiotherapy exercises you can do right now to relieve your lower back pain. 

What are the benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot Stone Massage benefits include relaxation, stress release, help with back pain, and improvements to depression and anxiety. The treatment includes heated natural Basalt stones that are very rich in iron, which makes them particularly great at retaining heat and are even believed to help improve the flow of energy in your body.

Top Five Tips To Boost Your Immune System

What a world we find ourselves in! While what's happening world-wide is something everyone knows – but perhaps you didn't know that there's much more we can be doing about COVID from the comfort of your own (self-quarantined) home? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a millennia old system that has never missed a beat. In fact, it is currently being used in reportedly 90% of Covid cases in...

Lymphatic drainage massage benefits, what is it, is it for me?

Lymphatic Drainage is the body’s natural flushing system, removing toxins and excess fluids in one area of the body to the lymph nodes located around your body and creating an effective part of your immune system.

What is Knee Tendonitis? How is Knee Tendonitis treated and can I fix it on my own?

Knee Tendonitis is a chronic (persistent or recurring) condition caused by repetitive trauma or an injury to the knee that hasn't healed. By contrast to tendonitis, tendinitis is an acute (sudden, short-term) condition in which inflammation is caused by a direct injury to a tendon. It is found that the main difference between tendonitis and tendinitis is time.

What To Do For Rotator Cuff Injury Rehab

By: Dr. Karen NgoChiropractor / Registered Massage Therapist Don’t have a shoulder good enough for someone to lean on? – Lets fix you up! What is a Rotator Cuff ? The rotator cuff complex consists of a group of muscles and tendons that supports and stabilizes the shoulder joint, which firmly aligns the humerus (upper […]

A Weak Gluteus Medius May Be The Cause Of Your Back Pain

This article targets the structure of your gluteus muscles; the issue with a weak gluteus medius and the cause of your gluteus medius pain. This article also outlines the exercises that one should use to alleviate such pain, including, the desk job culprit, back pain.

Your Health Through Your Tongue

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the tongue is seen and used as a vital window into the body. This window can give us information to the health status of an individual, and is often used as one of the main instruments of diagnostics.

Physio Myth Busters

Myth #1: Physiotherapy is the same as massage No, physiotherapy is not just massage. Physiotherapy treatment may involve soft tissue techniques, but it is not our sole treatment. Physiotherapy consists of a combination of manual therapy, exercises, laser therapy...

How Sitting Affects Your Health

As we spend more time sitting, the effects of inactivity and sedentary lifestyle are adding up. Sedentary lifestyles are associated with poor health and a multitude of diseases including...

Workplace Ergonomics

Learn to how to setup your desk to give you great posture and prevent upper back and neck pain.

Nexus Giving Back: Networking and Mentoring Chiropractic Students

Dr. Karen Ngo is grateful to have an opportunity to give back to the future chiropractors...

Magic Behind Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a type of "myofascial release." Myofascial release is a technique massage therapist, chiropractors, physiotherapists and certain acupuncture who practices...

5 Common Reasons You Are Experiencing Neck Pain

Tension builds up over many years of repetitive actions and although you may not notice it right away, it is there. Neck pain is one of the most common problems...

Knee Pain and Osteoarthritis

Arthritis in the knee is a common source of knee pain that health professionals can treat. There are different forms of arthritis affecting different types of joints...


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40 Eglinton Ave E Suite 603, Toronto, ON M4P 3A2