There’s work to finish but you’ve got a headache at the top of your head.  You know that you’re working too much at your desk, but what can you do?

The phone flashes and you look down. 

Great. Neck pain again.

You’re not alone.

Many patients at Nexus Massage & Rehab suffer from headaches on top of their head. They often feel neck pain at the same time. Our new normal of working from home and spending all day on our computers and phones doesn’t help. 

We sit too much and our bad posture when looking down at our phones just makes the pain worse.

Don’t worry. 

Here are the 5 best exercises I recommend to my patients who experience headaches on top of their head. You don’t have to power through the pain. In fact, relief may just be a few exercises away.

Try these quick and easy exercises and feel better instantly.

5 Best Exercises for Headache on Top of Head

1. Chin Tuck


Strengthens deep neck flexor and cervical extensor muscles while stretching the scalene and suboccipital muscles. This will bring the head back into good positioning.

Step 1

How to start the chin tuck exercise for headaches on top of the head.

Sit upright and look forward. (Place your finger on your chin and use it as a guide if needed.)


Step 2

Second step of chin tuck exercise for headaches on top of the head.

Make a “double chin” and move the chin and head straight back.

How often?

Hold for 7 seconds. Do 10 reps, 3 sets. Daily.

Keys to success:

Look straight ahead.

Common mistakes:

This is a common chin tuck mistake when trying to heal your headache pain.

People often look down or engage chest muscles.


2. Assisted Neck Flexion Stretch


Helps loosen up the splenius capitis to promote blood flow.

Step 1

Assisted Neck Flexion Stretch for Headaches and Head Pain, Step 1

Sit looking forward.


Step 2

Assisted Neck Flexion Stretch Step 2

Clasp your hands behind your head near the base of your skull. Bring your elbows forward. Gently bring your neck into a flexed (downward) position. The stretch should be felt at the base of the skull and down the neck.


How often?

Hold for 30 seconds and do 3 sets. Daily.

Keys to success:

Relax and exhale during the stretch

Common mistakes:

Assisted Neck Flexion Stretch Common Mistake

Pulling the neck down too hard.


3. Chin to Armpit Stretch


Stretches the levator scapulae and splenius capitis muscle (rotation and flexion component) which helps loosen up the muscle tissue to promote blood flow.

Step 1

Look forward to start chin to armpit stretch.

Sit looking forward.


Step 2

Look toward your armpit for step 2 of the chin to armpit stretch

To stretch the right side of your neck, rotate your head towards the left. Point your chin towards your left armpit.


Step 3

Bring your head down toward the armpit for step 3 of chin to armpit stretch.

Place your left hand on top of your head. Gently bring your head towards your left armpit. The stretch should be felt on the right back region of the neck. Repeat the steps to stretch the left side of your neck by first rotating your head towards the right.

How often?

Hold for 30 seconds and do 3 sets. Daily.

Keys to success:

Point the chin towards the armpit.

Common mistakes:

Common mistake while doing the chin to armpit stretch

Rotating the neck too far.


4. Lateral Neck Flexion Stretch


Stretches the trapezius and splenius capitis muscle (lateral component), which helps loosen up the muscle tissue to promote blood flow.

Step 1

Sit looking forward for lateral neck flexion stretch step 1.

Sit looking forward.

Step 2

Bring your left year towards your left shoulder step 2 of the lateral neck flexion stretch for top of head headache pain.

To stretch the right side of the neck, tilt your head left and bring your left ear towards your left shoulder.

Step 3

Lateral Neck Flexion Stretch Step 3 for headaches and top of head pain.

Place your left hand on top of your head. Gently bring your head towards your left shoulder. The stretch should be felt on the right aspect of the neck. Repeat the steps by tilting towards the right to stretch the left side of your neck.


How often?

Hold for 30 seconds and do 3 sets. Daily.

Keys to success:

Bring your ear towards your shoulder.

Common mistakes:

Shrugging the shoulders is a common mistake when doing the lateral neck flexion stretch for top of head pain.

Shrugging the shoulders.


5. Splenius Capitis Self-Massage


Target the splenius capitis muscle which will breakdown trigger points that are caused by knots in the splenius capitis.

Step 1

Splenius Capitis Self-Massage Step 1

Wrap 2 lacrosse/tennis balls in a towel so they can’t roll around.


Make sure the lacrosse balls don't roll around.

Wrap the lacrosse balls so they create a comfortable head rest.


Step 2

Step 3 of Splenius Capitis Self-Massage for top of head and headache pain.

Lie down. Move the towel-wrapped-balls underneath the base of your skull. Gentle pressure should be felt at the base of your skull and the top of your neck.


How often?

Hold it for 3 minutes. Do it every 2 to 3 days.

Keys to success:

The placement of the ball is located at the base of the skull, centred in the space between the spine and ears.

Common mistakes:

Locating the wrong muscle.


The Most Effective Treatments for Top of Head Headache

If you are still feeling pain and headaches after finishing the exercises, then it’s time to see a dedicated health professional to find an effective treatment that is tailor-made for you.

Headaches on top of the head are caused by referral patterns from trigger points that develop in the splenius capitis muscle. Trigger points are the knots in the muscles. They are painful to touch and feel like nodules or tight bands. 

The two most common causes of headaches on top of the head come from bad posture due to looking down at your phone, or sitting too much while working all day at a desk.

Here’s who to see to find lasting pain relief, based on your needs and preferences:

Registered Acupuncturist or Acupuncture Provider

Promotes blood flow to the affected area(s) and slow, gentle release of trigger point(s). 


Unlocks restricted joints. These joints can cause muscle tension in the area, resulting in headaches.

Registered Massage Therapist:

Release tight muscles with trigger point referral patterns that shoot up, resulting in a headache.

Come visit our clinic at Yonge and Eglinton and check out our health services such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and registered massage therapy if you are looking for the most effective treatments for headaches on top of the head.


Recommended Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Headache on Top of Head

Sustainable, long-term solutions to prevent future headaches on top of head are simple and easy.

  1. Don’t look down when using your phone. Instead, bring your phone higher. If you have to look down at your phone, don’t bend your neck forward.
  2. Set up your desk with proper desk ergonomics.
  3. Get up from your desk every hour.




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