What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a technique based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been in existence for over 2,500 years. By using very thin metal needles inserted into the surface of the skin, acupuncturists focus on nerve-rich areas that interact with the function of tissue, glands, organs and other various parts of the human body.

The Philosophy behind Acupuncture?

The philosophy behind acupuncture is based on a belief that the body possesses an inner energy force called ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’). When qi is flowing well throughout the body, our mental and physical state is at its prime. However, when there’s a blockage of qi energy, this can result in an illness, pain or even a troubled emotional state. Specific acupuncture points throughout the body are targeted during sessions to alleviate those blockages in qi, thus reducing the body’s experience of that discomfort.

How Can You Benefit from Acupuncture?

Acupuncture serves as an integrative health solution that can serve to address countless symptoms you may be struggling with in life’s day to day activities:

  • Stress, irritability, lack of mental clarity
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Menstrual and reproductive issues
  • Skin irritations
  • Digestive issues and disorders
  • Weight management and thyroid Issues
  • Heart, cholesterol and circulation concerns
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Immune function
  • Emotional and mental struggles such as fear and anxiety
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Musculoskeletal and pain management
  • Arthritis

  • Muscle and related conditions such as spasms, strains and sprains
  • Posture and tension patterns that affect posture
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Circulatory and Respiratory problems
  • Pregnancy and labour discomfort
  • Post-injury and post surgical rehabilitation

Why Choose Acupuncture at Nexus?

1  Research-based Science, Balanced with Respect for Tradition - The pool of information about acupuncture methods keeps growing and our team keeps themselves updated on the latest medical findings. Nexus acupuncturists continually refresh educational credits and training in order to better serve client needs, while staying true to traditional techniques passed down for millennia that have proven effective.

2  Trust, Compassion and Transparency - Highly trained and provincially regulated, our education places a special focus on coaching and communication skills to help us serve patients from all walks of life.

3  Holistic Approaches that Address the ‘Root’ - Unlike the generic "take a pill for your headache" approach for persistent and chronic complaints (which we can all admit to doing!), Nexus acupuncturists are trained to take everything into account to understand what makes your condition unique. From digestion, lifestyle, and menstrual health, to skin conditions, mood and sleep; many elements can be connected to seemingly unrelated symptoms you may be experiencing. By treating the root of your issue, numerous other conditions can improve unexpectedly as well.

4  Informed Patient-Centred Approach - Unlike other acupuncture clinics you may have visited, Nexus practitioners explain the ‘why’ during sessions, so you’ll never lack an understanding of what’s occurring during treatments. Our team is always open to questions and aim to equip clients with everything they need to prevent future recurrences of their issues. If your search for the best acupuncturists in Toronto has led you here, rest assured Nexus Massage & Rehab is the right place!

5  Wealth of Knowledge - Just ask! - Our acupuncturists have spent years studying, and love sharing insights with patients who are interested in their personal health. Whether it’s lifestyle and nutrition tips, meditation guides, app recommendations, or traditional wisdom, the Nexus team is here to help you feel your best and give you the tools you need.

What to Expect during your Initial Acupuncture Appointment?


1) Your first appointment will last approximately 90 minutes. To begin, your acupuncturist will ask pertinent questions about the reason for your visit, your general health and any medical conditions and medications that may have an impact on your proposed treatment plan. This information is confidential and will be recorded in the acupuncturist’s notes, much like you would expect at a visit to your family doctor.

2) A detailed intake is completed to establish what makes your condition unique to you, and potentially learn the root cause of your condition within the context of Eastern medicine principles.

3) Your acupuncturist may observe the qualities of your pulse and tongue, as those aspects of the body display characteristics that are especially pertinent in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

4) At Nexus we provide lifestyle and nutrition tips based on eastern fundamentals of healing. Though acupuncture is a useful tool, how you are treating your body between sessions can make a huge difference to your wellness and acupuncturists can provide many insights on those components.

Initial Assessment

Common Questions

Does it hurt? - Using sterile, super-thin, single-use needles, the sensation is nothing similar to experiences with blood withdrawal, piercings, etc. You may feel a slight prick when the needle is first placed, but much less of a sensation compared to a flu shot. The needles will typically remain in the body for 15-30 minutes.

What does it feel like? - Rather than pain, what most typically experience is what is known as the “Arrival of Qi” or the “Qi sensation” (known as ‘de qi’), which commonly feels like a sense of radiating pressure or a rush of energy to the acupuncture needle’s point of contact. Mild bruising or redness may occur at the needle site, but most of the time there will be no visible trace of the needle having been inserted.

Nexus practitioners provide guidance and answer your questions to ensure your experience is safe and professional - especially for anyone apprehensive!

What types of treatments do we offer

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body's meridians to restore the flow of vital energy (qi). It aims to address various physical and emotional conditions, promoting balance and well-being. Expect a personalized assessment by a trained practitioner, strategic needle placement, and potential combination with other techniques. TCM acupuncture complements conventional medicine and emphasizes holistic healing.

Multiple Precisely Placed Acupuncture Needles on Upper Back Region

Trigger Point Therapy / Dry Needling

In these sessions, the needle is inserted into a tender point on a tight muscle band, and stimulated to cause a "muscle jump", essentially resetting the muscle and facilitating softening of the tissue. This can assist with increased range of motion and flexibility in the muscle area of focus.

Acupuncture - Trigger Point Therapy / Dry Needling

Cosmetic and Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Cosmetic and facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a chemical-free and non-surgical method to reduce the signs of aging and improve the skin’s overall health. It has been practiced in China for thousands of years for anti-aging and beauty. Ultra-thin needles are inserted in the face creating tiny microtraumas in the skin, which stimulates the body to send nutrients to the injured sites. Needles are also inserted in the body to address underlying imbalances in the body, and internal causes of aging and skin issues from the inside out. The result is the face lifting itself through muscle tightening and toning action.

Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture:
  • Brightens complexion
  • Improves skin texture, skin elasticity, facial muscle tone, collagen and elastin production
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines, puffiness and facial swelling, acne and rosacea, and pore size
  • Eliminates hyper-pigmentation
  • Softens scars
Multiple Precisely Placed Acupuncture Needles on Beautiful Face

Shiatsu/Tuina Massage

Shiatsu is an ancient Japanese form of massage and Tuina is an ancient Chinese-form of massage. Both Shiatsu and Tuina are based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine that imbalances of the body’s vital life energy can lead to symptoms such as pain and illness. Manual pressure using fingers, hands and arms is applied to acupuncture points, energy channels and groups of muscles or nerves to stimulate the flow of qi (energy) to promote balance and harmony within the body.

Shiatsu/Tuina massage can be used to treat conditions related to:
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Circulatory
  • Digestive
  • Respiratory
  • Psycho-emotional
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Reproductive
Shiatsu and Tuina Massage on Upper Back of Beautiful Relaxed Female


  • 15 Min Consultation - FREE
  • Initial Assessment - $140
  • 60 Min Follow-Up - $115
  • 75 Min Follow-Up - $130


  • 15 Min Consultation - FREE
  • Initial Assessment - $170
  • 60 Min Follow-Up - $150


  • 30 Min Session - $80
  • 45 Min Session - $95
  • 60 Min Session - $115
  • **Service is covered under Acupuncture insurance**


  • Initial Assessment - $105
  • 30 Min Follow-Up - $90
  • **Cannot be claimed under Acupuncture Insurance**



This involves the placement of suction cups on specific areas of the body and therapeutically moving them to allow the body to focus blood flow to the area of discomfort and promote circulation. Think of it as a reverse massage!

Eastern Nutritional Coaching

The use of food "energetics" is an Eastern medicinal perspective that indicates foods can be categorized by how they react within the body (warming, cooling, moistening, drying, etc). This type of detailed nutritional coaching can be a valuable addition to your path towards a healthier self.

Eastern Herbal Medicine

Practitioners may re-assess your overall health after some treatment time and recommend customized traditional herbal formulas to assist in your progression, in conjunction with acupuncture.

Eastern Nutritional Coaching
Eastern Herbal Medicine
Are you ready to improve your health? Book your Acupuncture Appointment Today

Meet our Acupuncturists

Matt Walton - Acupuncture

Matt Walton

I specialize in treating conditions related to mental health. However, because we TCM practitioners treat you as a whole, I also focus on menstrual health, digestion, sleep/energy and pain concerns to help you enjoy living the healthy life you want. In my practice, I also coach my patients on herbal medicine and diagnosis-based nutrition to help you achieve a balanced and optimized body.

Aimee Leung - Acupuncture

Aimee Leung

I provide a safe and open space to support patients on a physical, mental and emotional level. I empower patients with knowledge, tools and intuitive insights into their health and wellbeing. My specialty includes Traditional Chinese Medicine, Auricular (Ear) and Cosmetic Acupuncture, Tuina and Shiatsu Massage, and Cupping.

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Frequently Answered Questions about Acupuncture

Make sure you are well hydrated and have eaten within the last two hours. For convenience for yourself and the practitioner, it is best to wear loose and light clothing which will provide easier access to certain areas of the body for treatment.
A typical treatment here at Nexus Massage and Rehab consists of an initial appointment where the practitioner goes through an intake with you, asking you a series of questions, performs a tongue diagnosis and palpation of your pulse to understand your health status and constitution which will then guide the treatment plan. After the intake, your acupuncturist will put thin needles in certain areas of your body. The needles will remain in the body for 15 to 30 minutes. Additional treatment with tuina (Chinese massage) may be included if necessary.

Subsequent treatments will involve a brief recap of the previous treatment and a quick analysis of the patient's current status followed by acupuncture.
The most common areas that will be needled during treatment will be on the limbs. The needles can potentially go in at other points on the body, depending on the individual and their health status.

If you are nervous or uncomfortable about a specific area being treated, do not hesitate to voice your concerns to the practitioner and he/she will take appropriate measures.
Most people you ask will say no. If done properly, the sensation will be extremely mild. Some common sensations that are reported are pressure, warmth, pricking, twitching, or nothing at all.

Mild bruising or redness may occur at the needle site, but most of the time there will be no visible trace of the needle having been inserted.
Some individuals may be hesitant about trying acupuncture due to uncomfortable past experiences with needles. However, it is good to know that the needles used for acupuncture vary greatly from the ones that are used for injections, piercings or blood withdrawal.

Acupuncture needles are much thinner than those mentioned. Also acupuncture needles are solid, not hollow, so there is no removal of flesh upon insertion or removal – this drastically changes the feeling experienced.
No, the needles used for acupuncture are sealed, sterilized, and used only once and discarded in a disposal hazard box after.
The main difference would be the theory behind it. With TCM acupuncture the needles are inserted into specific points on the body that run along meridians. These meridians are where the vital energy (qi) of the body flows. Each specific point has its own unique function and can help aid in the flow of qi and balancing of the internal organs.

Acupuncture may be used for a wide variety of conditions. Dry needling is only for musculoskeletal conditions and involves the insertion of a needle into a trigger point (painful area) to relieve pain.
Many insurance providers are now covering acupuncture only if it is done by a licensed Acupuncturist. Contact your insurance provider directly to find out if you are covered and the details of your coverage.